Friday, October 30, 2009

iPod Essentials #89: "The Unforgettable Fire"--U2

I was thrilled when U2 played this song during its stint at the Rose Bowl on Sunday night. (Check out the entire concert on You Tube!)

The song, like the entire album, is haunting. A lost love never dies, does it?

Friday, October 23, 2009

Soupy Sales: RIP, Mr. Pie

With sadness, I learned that the great comedian Soupy Sales passed away yesterday. He was 83. During the 60's, he had his own TV show, THE SOUPY SALES SHOW. I even had a Soupy Sales ring.

Taking over 20,000 pies in his face, Soupy Sales always had fun. His gags were wordplays and slight. He never used insults or profanity to get people to laugh.

Wherever Mr. Sales is right now, may he be getting pies thrown at him. Can't you hear him laughing right now?

iPod Essentials #88: "Tuesday Afternoon"--The Moody Blues

Though I don't like to see my favorite songs appear in TV ads, this rendition of the Moody Blues' classic works. I can't recall the sponsor, but the ad features a father and his young daughter admiring a deep sea aquarium on a lazy Tuesday afternoon.

The Moody Blues were among the first bands to use a full orchestra (The London Philharmonic) to add depth to its songs on DAYS OF FUTURE PAST. It worked. The songs took on lives of their own, like lazy afternoons.

Friday, October 16, 2009

iPod Essentials #87: "Up up and Away"--The 5th Dimension

This selection is dedicated to Balloon Boy and the probable hoax that captivated the nation yesterday. (If you go on a Reality TV once, you'll do it again.)

The 5th Dimension crafted lyrical soul-pop tunes. This song tells of a lifting love or a balloon ride, depending on your interpretation. The vocal force was Marilyn McCoo whose range and clear enunciation of songs was impressive.

This song makes me long to take a balloon ride somewhere. When I get to Kenya someday, I will take that ride across the Serenghetti, all the while thinking of this song.

Friday, October 09, 2009

Costco: The Second Coming of the Donner Party

Four times a year, I sigh and brace myself for the ten-minute trip to Costco, where I spend an hour stuffing a cart with purchases and cursing the place for being so busy.

The tension begins upon arrival. How many accidents have occured in the parking lot on Lindero Canyon and Russell Ranch Roads? Some drivers don't see the arrows marking direction in the lot. Driving is a free-for-all.

The madness continues into the building, where half of Thousand Oaks congregates at a given time. Like myself, they are searching for good deals. Today, while pushing a shopping cart filled with canned goods, fish, milk, laundry detergent, and a dog bed, I nearly collided with six people.

Once I paid for my purchases and made my way to my trusty Subaru, I relaxed. The pilgrimage concluded, and I didn't have to resort to cannabalism to survive. At least, not unitl February.

iPod Essentials #86: "It's a Mug's Game"--Soft Cell

Ahhh, a frat boy funfest. This song from my college days has everything: profanity, STD's, hangovers. It's the tale of a young British loser, perfect for a Friday night. It's a great song to listen to so we can forget your problems, something we need to do from time to time.

Saturday, October 03, 2009

Defending Polanski?

I don't understand many of these people in Hollywood who choose to support a man who raped a thirteen-year-old girl in 1978. (Yes, Virginia, she was raped. Read the transcripts on THE SMOKING GUN. And Whoopi, there's no such thing as 'rape-rape.') They also rally behind this man who fled to France before he could be punished for his crime. Don't they believe that laws apply to all people. To paraphrase a line from CHINATOWN: It's Hollywood, Jake.

Ironically, Polanski's ego proved to be his downfall. In Switzerland to accept an award, he was apprehended by law enforcement. Even so, it shouldn't have taken thirty-one years for his arrest.

He scared us with ROSEMARY'S BABY, humanized us with THE PIANIST, and entertained us with CHINATOWN. Roman Polanski is a brilliant director, granted. However, if you strip away his profession and acclaim, he is just a man who must do the time for the crime he committed.

iPod Essentials #85: "Let It Be"--The Beatles

The song never fails to comfort me during "times of trouble." Let's face it, most of us are troubled right now due to money, job insecurity, or loneliness. The U.S. has serious problems, which fails to reassure us that things will be okay in the end.

Paul McCartney gives us a lesson about faith in this gentle song: "Whisper words of wisdom/Let it be." Maybe if we pray a lot or take comfort in scripture, we find the strength to allow these difficult challenges to resolve themselves or to end.