Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Common Sense: O.J., Part 2

Yes, Virginia, the American public has surprised me. In their outrage over the proposed O.J. Simpson book and TV special deal, the American public has pressured News Corp., the media conglomerate that owns Harper Collins publishers and Fox News, to scrap this ludricrous deal. This proves there is strength in numbers, and if we were this vocal about something, what else could we do to rectify other situations in this screwed-up world of ours? Action is power; apathy is danger.

Perhaps Thomas Paine was right in saying: "O ye that love mankind! Ye that dare oppose not only the tyranny but the tyrant, stand forth" (192)!

Paine, Thomas. "Common Sense". The American Tradition in Literature. 5th ed.
Eds. Scully Bradley, et. al. New York: Random, 1981.

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