Saturday, October 18, 2008

The Great Recession

It used to annoy me when my grandmother would occasionally mention the hardship she and her large family endured during The Great Depression: skipping meals, walking everywhere, going without. "It's over, Grandma," I'd say. "It won't happen again."

I was wrong.

Granted, this economic crisis that the U.S. and other countries are facing isn't considered a depression (not yet, anyway). It's left so many families fearful for the future. Who can afford to buy a home nowadays, or get good health insurance? So much for the new TV I wanted to buy around Christmas. Money is an endangered species.

It enfuriates me that corporate greed and lax governmental policies opened the door for this Great Recession. Those execs who are off partying or buying sportscars with money they never should have earned is wrong. Hopefully, they will pay the piper very soon. They should learn what the rest of us are going through: worrying when the mail arrives in the afternoon, seeing big bills, fearing for the future.

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