Saturday, January 31, 2009

Too Much Baby Love?

I might be in the minority, but the woman in Bellflower, CA, who recently gave birth to octuplets, really has no place on the good news scale. She already has six other children. Her mother claims this woman only sought fertility treatments because she wanted "just one more." She "loves being a mom."

This woman should enfuriate us all. Is she stable? She already has six kids. Why does she feel the need for the seventh? She's divorced and is allegedly a grad student. How in the hell is she going to support fourteen children? Her parents are likely in their sixties. Will she be leaching off them until they die? No, she'll likely try to milk that already-broke state of California for governmental assistance. She'll depend on the kindness of strangers and volunteers for help.

The world already has nearly seven trillion people, according to The World Population's website. We don't need anymore! Overpopulation is contributing to global warming, overbuilding, disease, and starvation.

If she wanted children, this woman could have adopted a few children, as long as she held a decent job. Why did she choose to create yet more lives?

The fertility clinic that allowed her to have this procedure should also be held accountable for this travesty. If this were a woman, with a well-paying job, who wanted to be a mom, just once, then that's one thing. This woman is a human hamster who really needs psychological help quickly before this happens again.

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