Saturday, August 08, 2009

Remembering John Hughes

Who hasn't watched a John Hughes film? I've seen most of them (FERRIS BUEHLER, my fave). Hughes's films epitomize teenage angst in dramatic and entertaining ways. You feel for Molly Ringwald's character in SIXTEEN CANDLES when her parents forget her Sweet Sixteen because they are too busy controlling their older daughter's wedding plans. You get a lump in your throat when you hear the characters of Anthony Michael Hall and Emilio Estevez discussing their troubled family lives and self-doubt in THE BREAKFAST CLUB. You want to ride on a float and twist with Ferris Buehler.

Never patronizing, John Hughes's films respect teenagers. This explains the popularity of his films during the mid 80's.

He left us far too soon. Thankfully, his films are still with us and future generations.

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