Saturday, September 05, 2009

Agent Anguish

Yesterday in my e-mail account, I received something I feared: a rejection from my #1 choice for a new literary agent. The killer was that she really liked my manuscript, liked the dialogue and characters. She loved the premise and the writing. "You have a wonderful imagination," she wrote in my rejection. She just wasn't passionate about the work to take me on as a client.

This is the second letter from an agent that has told me something similiar. If my manuscript is so wonderful, why can't I find an agent who is as enthusiastic as me? Why aren't agents passionate about the tale involving my young protagonist? Terribly frustrating. I've put two years into seven drafts of this novel. By far, it's my best work. But being an agent is a subjective thing.

I have to buck up and believe that there will be my perfect agent match. WRITER'S DIGEST says that there are 1,300 literary agents in the U.S. One of them has to be right for me. Until then, the e-query process will continue.

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