Thursday, May 27, 2010

I Did It My Way, and It Still Wasn't Enough

Today I had an interview for a rare full-time teaching position at one of the colleges where I work. I don't believe I will get a second interview. When you're a seasoned pro in the classroom, you can sense a connection with your interviewers. The connection left the classroom like a draft seeping through a windowsill.

If I were ballsy, I'd rant about the screwy hiring processes at colleges, but I need to eat and pay bills, so I must keep my knowledge and opinions to myself.

Instead, I'm going to talk about the stress-inducing teaching demonstration. These range from 8-20 minutes. The interviewers are your students. Today I taught magic realism to my "students," and they remained silent, fearfully unengaged. I had been so certain they would have really valued this unique approach to Aimee Bender's "The Rememberer."


I strove for an original perspective, to stamp the teaching of this story with my take on it, unlike no other applicant.

A few voices.

Why aren't I proud of my originality in the demo? Why do I suddenly crave to teach the story in the same way as another applicant?

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