Thursday, December 28, 2006

iPod Essentials #10: "Get Together"--The Youngbloods

Hope the Holiday season has been treating you well.

In honor of the season, I have selected a song of peace and friendship. "Get Together" offers a simple plea--for us to "love one another right now." If we truly practiced those words, just think of the things we could accomplish: no more wars, bigotry, hatred. Our planet would be a peaceable kingdom.

I truly believe this until my logical side kicks in. With history, humans repeat the same mistakes without getting different results. Perhaps we will all "get together" in a different lifetime.

Thursday, December 21, 2006

iPod Essentials #9: "Hot Fun in the Summertime"--Sly and the Family Stone

Even though parts of the U.S. are under feet of snow, and it is December, it may seem odd that I would select a summertime song to discuss today, but it somehow makes sense.

"Hot Fun" is the epitome of summertime tunes. Few artists blended such complex yet pop rhythms as Sly Stone. When I hear it, I feel as though it's ninety degrees outside.

Let's hope our friends in the Midwest can download this song. It will make them feel a little least for two and a half minutes.

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

The Importance of Editing and Proofreading

No, I'm not Oscar Wilde, but if Wilde were alive today, he would be appalled at the number of people (students, namely) who fail to properly edit and proofread their works. They are very important parts of the writing process, yet students, as they hand in their final portfolios to me, say, "I still don't get what you mean by fused sentences." or "I think I found all the fragments." or "Who cares about commas?"

Your readers do, Virginia.

Thursday, December 14, 2006

iPod Essentials #8: "Love Hangover"--Diana Ross

Forgive me for not being as blogfrequent as usual. I've sprained my back, and my chiropractor has ordered me not to sit for long periods of time. (And of course, I'm swamped with final grades right now.)

Don't ever sprain your back. It ruins your day with pain and misery and an uncomfortable back brace.

I will discuss the one disco song on my Pod: "Love Hangover," in honor of the upcoming release of DREAMGIRLS. This song is sexy (in 1976 terms), tightly orchestrated, and screams "DANCE WITH ME!" You can't resist it.

When my back heals, I will be back at the gym and dancing to it.

Monday, December 11, 2006

Shaken or Stirred: I'll Take the New James Bond Any Way


To feel better about my lower back injury (have no idea what I did), I treated myself to a matinee of CASINO ROYALE, the new Bond flick. Daniel Craig, the actor who plays the new, edgier but vulerable Bond, is a solid replacement for the affable and gorgeous Pierce Brosnan. In the film MUNICH, Craig proved he can act. I like the edge this new Bond has, and he can make my martini in any way he chooses.

As with most Bond films, CASINO ROYALE is too long, and parts of the story are unbelievable. But hey, it's a Bond flick. Still, many of the stunts are amazing. My favorite takes place along a scaffold of a building and involves cranes and bulldozers.

Makes me wish I were M at times. BTW, is it me or do Bond and M have an interesting sexual tension?

Thursday, December 07, 2006

iPod Essentials #7: "That Lady"--Isley Brothers

Any time I hear "That Lady," I think of empowerment. Its rhythmic squeal of an electric guitar and a synthesizer give me confidence, which is something everyone needs a little extra of at some point in their lives.

In the song, the singer is asking the question : "Who's that lady? Sexy lady. Beautiful lady."

The lady is hot.

Monday, December 04, 2006

Have You Joined Your Local Writers' Group?

Yesterday one of the mystery-writing organizations I belong to and serve as corresponding secretary, Sisters in Crime Los Angeles, hosted its annual Holiday party at the South Pasadena Library. With seventy attendees, it was the best turnout we have ever had! Everybody pitched in and helped to bring food, pull out tables, set up and clean up--just a tremendous and festive response.

What's nice about our group is that everybody cares about their writing careers as well as the overall membership. By being a member of SinC/LA, I have learned how to improve my stories as well as how to market my works.

Yes, the act of writing is generally a solitary activity, but don't use that as an excuse not to get involved in your local writers' group.

We do need one another.