Friday, August 08, 2008

iPod Essentials #49: 'Gonna Fly Now"--Bill Conti

In honor of the Olympics (Go, USA!), I have chosen this inspiring song for this Essential. It always urges me to press on in the face of love lost, flubbed job interview, or manuscript rejection. The tightness of the horns reminds me of Rocky Balboa, second-rate boxer and seeming has-been, sprinting along the streets of Philadelphia. Athlete or not, we can all overcome our setbacks and disappointments to better ourselves.

Monday, August 04, 2008

The Andes Are Tall

Hola! I have returned from my much-needed , ten-day trip to Peru. Once I adjusted to the high altitude and tempered my breathing problems, I marveled in the sheer majesty and beauty of this remarkable country. With their engineering genius, the Incas